Is a project/action link needed or not?


Thanks for your candor

I appreciate your last post tominperu. I'm always struggling with my gear fetish and this helps me keep the desire to tweak in perspective. The fewer parts of the system to maintain the better for me, since it's so easy for me to procrastinate in the name of "optimization" when the returns are actually diminishing. Part of the desire for me, I realize, is that I want as big a boost in productivity now as I did when I first started using GTD. Lately, that percentage increase in productivity is coming from consistent weekly reviews, the tickler file, the intention journal and this forum. Thanks to GTD connect. I guess I should just keep enjoying the extra focus and relaxation that's come my way and not be so greedy for more. More power to those who are cruising along with the extra cylinders of linkages. As I become more disciplined I'm noticing how many projects and N/A get defined and completed between weekly reviews without ever getting formally entered into the system.
Pack Matthews