Is it possible for a weekly review to be 10-15 mins?

I hear a lot of GTDers saying that their weekly review takes HOURS. I'm wondering if I'm not that busy at all or I'm not quite getting everything.

I consistently keep my physical and logical inbox at zero every day. A day does not go by when I have more than 5 in it. However, I only receive about 20-30 emails/day.

Whenever I think of something, I write it down or put in into my iPAQ and when I get to my computer, it goes into it's appropriate NA category in Outlook.

My desk is clean and I do not have anything on it such as loose papers, notes, etc.

The only thing that I do for my weekly review is look at my Someday/Maybe list and see if there's anything I want to pursue and catch up on my @Waiting For actions. I do not have any other actions to clean up as I review those almost hourly for things to do.

I don't think I'm that busy, but still, it seems like I should have more things to do in GTD! :)
Adam, just for fun :) I'm clean as you're but my WR takes approx 30 minutes. That's because I do the following:

1. Next Action for each project to the system (0,5 min per Project & total time depends on number of projects);
2. Move WaitingFors into the system (0,5 per each & total time depends on the total number of them);
3. Screen past and future week for the upcoming events and update my Action List or block out needed time for that activities (takes 5-10 minutes);
4. Check Someday-Maybe and assign Next Actions if needed (another 10 min);
5. Remove duplicates from my action lists (10 min)


AdamB said:
I don't think I'm that busy, but still, it seems like I should have more things to do in GTD! :)
You're fine. Don't create more work for yourself than you need!

I generally do not do a lengthy weekly review, either. I use software that automates a lot of the maintenance (e.g., I don't check any of Borisoff's 5 things), and I'm not hectically busy every day, so I can usually keep up with inputs as they come along.
Borisoff said:
Adam, just for fun :) I'm clean as you're but my WR takes approx 30 minutes. That's because I do the following:

1. Next Action for each project to the system (0,5 min per Project & total time depends on number of projects);
2. Move WaitingFors into the system (0,5 per each & total time depends on the total number of them);
3. Screen past and future week for the upcoming events and update my Action List or block out needed time for that activities (takes 5-10 minutes);
4. Check Someday-Maybe and assign Next Actions if needed (another 10 min);
5. Remove duplicates from my action lists (10 min)


I could do all of those things and it wouldn't take me more than 5 min! I've always complained about this job and being bored. I guess with GTD, I'm feeling extra bored because I've gotten everything done! :-P
beyond job

What about beyond your job - your personal life, hobbies, home, relationships, family, charity work, goals, intentions, community involvement, dreams, etc? All of it in 5 minutes? :-)
If 15 minutes is all you need to make sure you lay eyes on 100% of the things that would otherwise be on your mind, even if to rest assured that they are on a list, then sure, it's enough.

Not even close for me, but I suppose it's a personal thing.
15 minutes sounds more like an emergency scan to me.
darlakbrown said:
What about beyond your job - your personal life, hobbies, home, relationships, family, charity work, goals, intentions, community involvement, dreams, etc? All of it in 5 minutes? :-)
I guess I'm a really simple guy. However, I must admit that I don't track as much of that stuff as I should.