I received this in my email today, and was requested to post it here:
From: Jorge Ledesma
Received: 05/20/03 09:39 am
Subject: Re: Re: Linking to the Datebook
Attachments: Shadow implementation with Gtd Post.doc (41KB)
hi there, here it is i hope you enjoy, please do me a favor can you post it on the gtd yahoo and davidco.com site. thanks so much and please do give me some feedback.
talk to you soon.
Shadow and Gtd my implementation (Long Post)
Hi there folks,
I’m super excited to share my Shadow experience with GTD. Let me introduce myself before, my name is George and I’m currently in my second semester of Dental school( Pardon any typo’s and misspelled words as I’m writing this on a study break). I’ve been using Shadow for about a year, my use of Shadow has been a love hate relationship ever since but after the release of 2.8.2 I’ve commited fully to implement my GTD setup exclusively thru SP.
Apps used:
Shadow Desktop 2.0
Shadow HH 2.8.2 ( channeled to the Todo buttom)
DBK5 preview G
Palm Zire 71( I dumped my Clie T665C what a difference folks, if you can go to OS 5, then I recommend it)
Since I’m in school I have a file list for all my classes including laboratories as well for a total of 14 list under a category called Classes. My next action categories 15 categories under a category. called Next Actions as follows:
@Inbox( my dump it all list and thru the awesome cut and paste feature and sent to file feature and then delegate them to the appropriate list. By the way I don’t use children all that much most of my actions are parents in Shadow terms.
@At the Office
@Downlodad-MP3( to use with RealOne Player on the Palm, superb sound, there is nothing cooler than being in my Dental Anatomy lab carving teeth and be able to listen to some tunes as I carve away)
@Emails Pending( Emails I want to initiate)
@Emails-Respond To( I particularly like this one, let’s say I have a Waiting for item I’m tracking and they respond eventually then I make an entry on this list to remind myself I have to respond and I like to differentiate between regular non-responding emails I may want to send off)
@On the Net
@Pending at Home
@Pending at School( take a form the the financial aid office, etc.)
@Pending Errands
@Pending Post( to record any suggestions or questions relating to the Shadow or Dbk5 Yahoo group)
@Think About( ideas I want to think about later)
@Tickler File
@Waiting For
In another category called Projects I house the following lists
@Active Projects
@Someday Maybe
@Someday Maybe in Miami( projects I have to initiate when I’m back home)
@Weekly Review( Here I house some interesting tips I’ve acquired on the different newsgroups I read relating to the aforementioned topic)
Under another category called List I house the following:
@Before Leaving( I use this one to be reminded of things I want to bring back home from shool, ie. Candy for Mom and Dad, etc.
@Car Maintenance( self explanatory, next oil change, tune-up etc. etc)
@Clothing( items I want to purchase)
@Concerts( Concerts that are coming to town I may want to reminded off in order to decide if I can make it or not)
@Contacts( when I put a new set and when I take them off, cleaning involved, etc.)
@Fitness(My workout schedule, swiss ball training, etc.)
@Movies to watch
@Shopping List
@Studying Strategies
@Websites to checkout
@While in Miami
and under another category called NDB(National Dental Boards)
the following:
@NDB Next Actions
@NDB Outline
@NDB Study Plan
The regular todo app only wishes they can allocate so many categories.
The List preferences for 90% of list are the following:
Synchronize, Color Theme, List Type Checklist or Custom with Target date and Link arrow, Suppress Autocheck. My NDB are all defaulted to Tasklist to see the progress between the Parent and children relationship.
I’ve almost completely eliminated the regular todo app and moved Todo + over to my the SD card with the use of Power Run 1.2.
I now chose to use the todo app which I of course view thru Dbk5 to house my projects and when I want to act on one. Since Shadow is the ultimate organizational tool IMHO, I use DBK5 for all calendaring purposes. I dumped Agendus 6.2 although its pretty cool it doesn’t come close the functionality of Dbk5. Nevertheless, I action everything on my calendar via Shadow thru a link to the Datebook db and then I put a time or leave it as a float.
I’ve setup a couple of filters to enable the decision of actions as follows:
Tags for Importance: Low, Medium, High
Tags for Time: less than 30 min. and more than 30 min.( for me this was the best way to go, that way I wouldn’t have to tool with the filtering options all that much and thru the Tag Wizard Jeff’s provided coding all my next actions is really a snap, bamm 2 seconds tops for any actions. I can’t wait for the desktop to have the same functionality as I spend a lot of time at home entering my ideas and actions thru Shadow’s DT but I’ll live, I’m sure Jeff’s working on it. Anyway, open a list, choose and action and if must be done on that day then it gets linked over along with any address book links as well, Although I sometimes use dbk5 ability to link to the address book as well.
I’ve also setup some View thru the View Manager enabling the filters above. I particularly like the following filter: Agenda, as David Allen suggest, to have an Agenda category for all the people you’re in contact with, well the great of Shadow is that one can filter thru a Note field and then create a custom view using this filtering option. I have about 40 people in my Agenda list but not all of them have a note attached so why scroll down looking for the note field(an option in SP to view the note icon) so boom I use my view and instantly it shows me all the people that have a note attached, simply amazing and pratical.
I’ve tried and registered a lot apps to try to implement my gtd setup, among some of them MultiTask, Agendus, Todo+, Memo+, and countless others but in the end I’ve come up with the best one two punch attack towards GTD, Shadow and Dbk5.
When I complete an action over in DBk5 I simply put an “ x” in front I don’t like to mark them complete when the semester is done, I use a freeware app called Date2Memo and convert all those items to a doc which I then view it thru Isilo(the best view IMHO) and store them on the card’s memory.
For projects I simply create a parent with the project name and then attach a note as DA suggest with whatever next physical action is required to advance the projects. Againg I’ve simplified my note, after re-reading the gtd book and listening the DA’s cd’s many time all you need a note with a reminder. I use to create with Memo Plus template complicated note entries
Next Actions
Completed Tasks
And stuff like that but now I just use:
Note Action
and next to the dot I put whatever action is required and that’s it. Any insights or additional tips would be greatly appreciated. If I don’t respond right away don’t worry I’ll be tracking the email on my @Emails-Respond To category its just a matter of time. LOL.
Congrats to Jeff for making such a great app which is constantly evolving
From: Jorge Ledesma
Received: 05/20/03 09:39 am
Subject: Re: Re: Linking to the Datebook
Attachments: Shadow implementation with Gtd Post.doc (41KB)
hi there, here it is i hope you enjoy, please do me a favor can you post it on the gtd yahoo and davidco.com site. thanks so much and please do give me some feedback.
talk to you soon.
Shadow and Gtd my implementation (Long Post)
Hi there folks,
I’m super excited to share my Shadow experience with GTD. Let me introduce myself before, my name is George and I’m currently in my second semester of Dental school( Pardon any typo’s and misspelled words as I’m writing this on a study break). I’ve been using Shadow for about a year, my use of Shadow has been a love hate relationship ever since but after the release of 2.8.2 I’ve commited fully to implement my GTD setup exclusively thru SP.
Apps used:
Shadow Desktop 2.0
Shadow HH 2.8.2 ( channeled to the Todo buttom)
DBK5 preview G
Palm Zire 71( I dumped my Clie T665C what a difference folks, if you can go to OS 5, then I recommend it)
Since I’m in school I have a file list for all my classes including laboratories as well for a total of 14 list under a category called Classes. My next action categories 15 categories under a category. called Next Actions as follows:
@Inbox( my dump it all list and thru the awesome cut and paste feature and sent to file feature and then delegate them to the appropriate list. By the way I don’t use children all that much most of my actions are parents in Shadow terms.
@At the Office
@Downlodad-MP3( to use with RealOne Player on the Palm, superb sound, there is nothing cooler than being in my Dental Anatomy lab carving teeth and be able to listen to some tunes as I carve away)
@Emails Pending( Emails I want to initiate)
@Emails-Respond To( I particularly like this one, let’s say I have a Waiting for item I’m tracking and they respond eventually then I make an entry on this list to remind myself I have to respond and I like to differentiate between regular non-responding emails I may want to send off)
@On the Net
@Pending at Home
@Pending at School( take a form the the financial aid office, etc.)
@Pending Errands
@Pending Post( to record any suggestions or questions relating to the Shadow or Dbk5 Yahoo group)
@Think About( ideas I want to think about later)
@Tickler File
@Waiting For
In another category called Projects I house the following lists
@Active Projects
@Someday Maybe
@Someday Maybe in Miami( projects I have to initiate when I’m back home)
@Weekly Review( Here I house some interesting tips I’ve acquired on the different newsgroups I read relating to the aforementioned topic)
Under another category called List I house the following:
@Before Leaving( I use this one to be reminded of things I want to bring back home from shool, ie. Candy for Mom and Dad, etc.
@Car Maintenance( self explanatory, next oil change, tune-up etc. etc)
@Clothing( items I want to purchase)
@Concerts( Concerts that are coming to town I may want to reminded off in order to decide if I can make it or not)
@Contacts( when I put a new set and when I take them off, cleaning involved, etc.)
@Fitness(My workout schedule, swiss ball training, etc.)
@Movies to watch
@Shopping List
@Studying Strategies
@Websites to checkout
@While in Miami
and under another category called NDB(National Dental Boards)
the following:
@NDB Next Actions
@NDB Outline
@NDB Study Plan
The regular todo app only wishes they can allocate so many categories.
The List preferences for 90% of list are the following:
Synchronize, Color Theme, List Type Checklist or Custom with Target date and Link arrow, Suppress Autocheck. My NDB are all defaulted to Tasklist to see the progress between the Parent and children relationship.
I’ve almost completely eliminated the regular todo app and moved Todo + over to my the SD card with the use of Power Run 1.2.
I now chose to use the todo app which I of course view thru Dbk5 to house my projects and when I want to act on one. Since Shadow is the ultimate organizational tool IMHO, I use DBK5 for all calendaring purposes. I dumped Agendus 6.2 although its pretty cool it doesn’t come close the functionality of Dbk5. Nevertheless, I action everything on my calendar via Shadow thru a link to the Datebook db and then I put a time or leave it as a float.
I’ve setup a couple of filters to enable the decision of actions as follows:
Tags for Importance: Low, Medium, High
Tags for Time: less than 30 min. and more than 30 min.( for me this was the best way to go, that way I wouldn’t have to tool with the filtering options all that much and thru the Tag Wizard Jeff’s provided coding all my next actions is really a snap, bamm 2 seconds tops for any actions. I can’t wait for the desktop to have the same functionality as I spend a lot of time at home entering my ideas and actions thru Shadow’s DT but I’ll live, I’m sure Jeff’s working on it. Anyway, open a list, choose and action and if must be done on that day then it gets linked over along with any address book links as well, Although I sometimes use dbk5 ability to link to the address book as well.
I’ve also setup some View thru the View Manager enabling the filters above. I particularly like the following filter: Agenda, as David Allen suggest, to have an Agenda category for all the people you’re in contact with, well the great of Shadow is that one can filter thru a Note field and then create a custom view using this filtering option. I have about 40 people in my Agenda list but not all of them have a note attached so why scroll down looking for the note field(an option in SP to view the note icon) so boom I use my view and instantly it shows me all the people that have a note attached, simply amazing and pratical.
I’ve tried and registered a lot apps to try to implement my gtd setup, among some of them MultiTask, Agendus, Todo+, Memo+, and countless others but in the end I’ve come up with the best one two punch attack towards GTD, Shadow and Dbk5.
When I complete an action over in DBk5 I simply put an “ x” in front I don’t like to mark them complete when the semester is done, I use a freeware app called Date2Memo and convert all those items to a doc which I then view it thru Isilo(the best view IMHO) and store them on the card’s memory.
For projects I simply create a parent with the project name and then attach a note as DA suggest with whatever next physical action is required to advance the projects. Againg I’ve simplified my note, after re-reading the gtd book and listening the DA’s cd’s many time all you need a note with a reminder. I use to create with Memo Plus template complicated note entries
Next Actions
Completed Tasks
And stuff like that but now I just use:
Note Action
and next to the dot I put whatever action is required and that’s it. Any insights or additional tips would be greatly appreciated. If I don’t respond right away don’t worry I’ll be tracking the email on my @Emails-Respond To category its just a matter of time. LOL.
Congrats to Jeff for making such a great app which is constantly evolving