Any thoughts one on easy ways, digital or paper, for keeping track of what tasks you have done (maybe including when and where you have done it) and readily locate this information. I find that if I cannot look back and see this information I don't have a trusted system. I am using plan vanilla Palm. An example is that I will have items @adgenda and when I see that person discuss the items and then say I have some other things that I may have forgotten to tell you about and when I say them the person will say you told me about some of those last time. The same thing happens to me when I am processing or planning or reviewing, I will think of things I need to do and I can't remeber if I have captured them already or not, or done them or not. This is more of a problem for actions that independent. Also, sometimes I need to capture a little observation or reflection at the same time I do the action. Obviously this information is only useful if you can readily connect to it or search it. I am just sick over the fact that I will execute a task and only a few days later or at the weekly review simpley not recall if I have done it and then make it my next action. Just in case it isn't clear I cannot carry my project support materials all about with me.