What i find profound about this is the metaphor.
If you had a project, EAT AN AIRPLANE, obviously we would all know that it is IMPOSSIBLE.
Yet here we have a guy who did it.
How did he do it?
He broke this massive task and project, literally into thousands of little pieces.
Its like when someone says, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time".
But i have never known anyone to eat an elephant.
So i am using this as a powerful metaphor to think about really big, difficult, even unpleasant Projects.
The reality is that we can accomplish these projects IF we simply figure out what the VERY NEXT ACTION is. The TINY Next Action. The action can be very miniscule. And then we simply DO the Next Action, and then do this again and again...
So for a person wanting to incorporate a new business, or build a custom home, get an advanced degree, or produce a movie, or launch a new career, or become famous in your field, all of these very complex Projects are going to come down to these tiny next Actions, that we will execute over a period of time.
I just find the metaphor of this guy literally eating an airplane to be very clear and powerful.
I think i am going to get a little airplane for my desk with the inscription, "How do you eat an airplane?"