Lotus Notes and Blackberry - Can't sort by category

I love my Lotus Notes system and how it works with my blackberry....one major limiting factor is that fact that I cannot sort my "tasks" (i.e. next action) lists by category on the blackberry (but can on Lotus Notes). I have overcome some of this by writing the word of the category in the main action - such call Fred.

Any help would be appreciated....third party software, tips tricks, etc.


Sorting by category

Hi Jeff,

I am not a BlackBerry expert, but a trick I know that works sometimes is to try the "filter" function. Within your task list on the BlackBerry, look for the Filter menu item. That usually works to show each of your categories.

If you don't see the filter function, it's possible your synching software is not allowing the categories. I've seen that happen when people have the "GoodSync" software.

Your trick of writing the category within the next action would be by next suggestion, such as Calls - Bob re: budget, Computer - Email Brian re: boat trip.



I have a Blackberry World Edition and use NextAction! software.

I manage: contexts, projects and lists: SM, Waiting For, Read/Review and Inbox.

You can go to http://www.s4bb.com/software/nextaction/ and download the free demo and manual

It's been tested to sync with:

· Microsoft Outlook
· Lotus Notes
· Act!
· Novell Groupwise
· iCal
· Entourage

I've been using it for 8 months with outlook and have no complaints. Real Fast & Easy.
Next Action for Blackberry

I have started using Next Action with my Blackberry World Edition as well and found it to sync well with Microsoft Outlook. However, I have found Next Action to run slowly - from the start and when switching between contexts to view various tasks. Have you ever experience the same issue, and, if so, how did you resolve it?


plambrecht;57598 said:
I have started using Next Action with my Blackberry World Edition as well and found it to sync well with Microsoft Outlook. However, I have found Next Action to run slowly - from the start and when switching between contexts to view various tasks. Have you ever experience the same issue, and, if so, how did you resolve it?



I do not recall having this problem. Have you tried a hard reset? Leave the BB on and take out the battery and then put the battery back in.
Try BBTask Pro (about $19) - it allows you to set multiple sort parameters (category, date, priority) and has a number of filtering options. It can run a little slow if you have a very large number of action items, or so I've heard. I use it with about 50 - 70 items/projects without noticing any significant lag in response time. I think it's very solid, and I've had no issues relating to Notes integration.

The reason I chose this over Next Action is the ability to sort by date field. I'm not certain if this limitation still exists with Next Action, which I think is otherwise a good option (and more consistent with GTD's date-less next action list, if you're a purist).