Lotus Notes/Mindmanager/Mindplan

I have recently changed to using Lotus Notes and I use Mindmanager 7 extensively. I am currently trying the Noteslinker for Mindmanager and also Mindplan which links into Lotus Notes.

Has anyone experience of Notelinker or Mindplan? Are there any pros and cons to either?

Comments on your experiences would be welcome.

May I ask if this is as an individual user and if so what you purchased and how much it cost? Or is this your typical corporate setup? I've looked at the Lotus website a few times and it appears that it requires a Domino server and Lotus client. Unlike Outlook they do not appear to make it easy to run standalone nor do they have many hosting options like MS does for Outlook/Exchange. Am I wrong?
Lotus Notes/Mindmanager/Mindplan

I use a standalone version of Lotus Notes, no Domino Server. The reason I switched to Notes was that I had that so problems with Outlook and an associate recommended Notes, also I like the eproductivity add in.

I tried the notes beta version 8.5 and decided to purchase the full version, cost about £80 from IBM which includes Domino if you want it but you can set up notes to work without a server and use it on a local machine as I do, the setting up is more invloved than say setting up Outlook but I have found that using Notes combined with eproductivity has been a good move.

I just now need to know of anyone who has experienced using the Mindmanager Notes Linker or Mindplan. I am using an evaluation version of mindplan and like the way it links mindmaps to notes but since it is quite expensive I want to be sure that the program is worth it.
Lotus Notes/Mindmanager/Mindplan

I use a standalone version of Lotus Notes, no Domino Server. The reason I switched to Notes was that I had that so many problems with Outlook and didnt really rate it for GTD even with the outlook add in, an associate recommended Notes, also I like the eproductivity add in for notes.

I tried the notes beta version 8.5 and decided to purchase the full version, cost about £80 from IBM which includes Domino if you want it but you can set up notes to work without a server and use it on a local machine as I do, the setting up is more invloved than say setting up Outlook but I have found that using Notes combined with eproductivity has been a good move.

I just now need to know of anyone who has experienced using the Mindmanager Notes Linker or Mindplan. I am using an evaluation version of mindplan and like the way it links mindmaps to notes but since it is quite expensive I want to be sure that the program is worth it.