I'm looking for advice from anyone using Entourage 2004 and GTD successfully.
Entourage is the center of my home-business life, and I know the program very well, with the exception of the Projects Center. I find the PC just baffling for actual usage, especially with anything related to GTD.
My productivity increases greatly after reading DA's Getting Things Done 2 years ago. And I was able to weave what I learned into Entourage, with one exception: a really well designed Action and Next Action list.
While my business projects were simple (publish a book, and create a members-only website), I did fine with timed alarmed Calendar events (I use this for a dozen things a day). But I'm about to enter a much larger business project, and I really need 1. a method for recording Actions, and 2. a method for choosing the Next Action.
How are you E'rage 2004 users doing this? Have you done it via its Project Center? If so, can you clearly spell out exactly how you are doing that?
I spend my life in front of my Mac (either the G5, or when on the road, my 12" PB), so "Contexts" aren't important to me (or better said: I have only 1, max 2, contexts). I just need some way of using Entourage or some other program to help with this Action/NAction process as my life gets super complex in 2006.
Note: I'm open to using an adjunct app for this process, but having just spent the last 4 days trying to understand OmniOutliner Pro (and the kGTD add-on), I'm really hesitant. It was a brutal 4 days, and it would have to be a fairly simple program.
Last note: I would also be willing to hire someone to help me set up this last piece of my GTD puzzle, especially from someone who's successfully doing this with E'rage or a tightly woven third-party app.
Entourage is the center of my home-business life, and I know the program very well, with the exception of the Projects Center. I find the PC just baffling for actual usage, especially with anything related to GTD.
My productivity increases greatly after reading DA's Getting Things Done 2 years ago. And I was able to weave what I learned into Entourage, with one exception: a really well designed Action and Next Action list.
While my business projects were simple (publish a book, and create a members-only website), I did fine with timed alarmed Calendar events (I use this for a dozen things a day). But I'm about to enter a much larger business project, and I really need 1. a method for recording Actions, and 2. a method for choosing the Next Action.
How are you E'rage 2004 users doing this? Have you done it via its Project Center? If so, can you clearly spell out exactly how you are doing that?
I spend my life in front of my Mac (either the G5, or when on the road, my 12" PB), so "Contexts" aren't important to me (or better said: I have only 1, max 2, contexts). I just need some way of using Entourage or some other program to help with this Action/NAction process as my life gets super complex in 2006.
Note: I'm open to using an adjunct app for this process, but having just spent the last 4 days trying to understand OmniOutliner Pro (and the kGTD add-on), I'm really hesitant. It was a brutal 4 days, and it would have to be a fairly simple program.
Last note: I would also be willing to hire someone to help me set up this last piece of my GTD puzzle, especially from someone who's successfully doing this with E'rage or a tightly woven third-party app.