Make appointments online

On my website I want to add a calendar that my clients can make appointment on. I also have an iphone that I want to be able to see those appointments and make appointments on. Is there any online calendars you would suggest?
Google calendar

Basic enough is google can partially share your calendar with anyone as long as you have their email...Accordingly you can manage this calendar on your iphone...I've using this systems for a long time and i works like a charm...

Of course the number of people you want to share the calendar with is relevant, but even so it's always possible to have a separate professional calendar, so it won't get overwhelmed...don´t forget the calendar should be your hard landscape, always keep it trustworthy and limited to appointments that are really!!! going to take place on that specific date and time!

You can put the link to the calendar on your site, which is really easy to extract from google calendar settings.
I'm still investigating

wesbeach;102177 said:
On my website I want to add a calendar that my clients can make appointment on. I also have an iphone that I want to be able to see those appointments and make appointments on. Is there any online calendars you would suggest?

I am still investigating but I have been trialling TimeTrade and appointment-plus. Neither of them are really quite what I am was looking for though so I may continue looking. Time Trade is good if you have 15 min increment appointments but doesn't allow you buffer room so you can end up with appointments back to back or 15 mins in between. AP costs quite a lot of money and didn't seem to offer what I wanted either although I haven't looked at all the instruction videos yet.

Good luck and let me know of you find something that you like :D