In the course of your time, how to deal with certain ambigious attention items that are things that you think about but not really things that are actionable. For instance, you have an idea such as, "The Earth isn't Flat", or "I am happiest when I remember to think of X in a stressful situation".
They can be tickled, but to what effect? What to do get these things unstuck into a next action, or is that not the correct way to deal with something.
Essentially, I'm wondering how do you use gtd to help "internalize" these (typically 40,000 ft) truths that you'll stumble upon in the course of living?
I've been tickling them, so that I tend to see them at least once a day... but that isn't quite satisfying the need to get them off my mind. Is patience my answer?
Thanks in advance.
They can be tickled, but to what effect? What to do get these things unstuck into a next action, or is that not the correct way to deal with something.
Essentially, I'm wondering how do you use gtd to help "internalize" these (typically 40,000 ft) truths that you'll stumble upon in the course of living?
I've been tickling them, so that I tend to see them at least once a day... but that isn't quite satisfying the need to get them off my mind. Is patience my answer?
Thanks in advance.