Managing personal cues by reading a book or article

How do you manage and optimize the personal insights, the personal reflections, the follow-ups that you would like to pursue when you read a book?
The first thing to understand is that there are different kinds of reading. We read for escape, to be generally and specifically informed, to determine actions, and for many other nuanced reasons. I don’t mark up print books- it’s something deeply ingrained. However, most of my reading is digital, and I can highlight and copy passages. I have a medium-size collection of meaningful quotes I have gathered, but it‘s not something I want to manage or optimize. When reading for information or action, I have a core group of tools I like which support Markdown, such as Omnivore. The point in these cases is usually to extract and organize information, which I do for both reference and project support. I also have a queue for professional reading, and my book club is also a monthly queue. Not exactly answering your question, but it‘s how I approach reading.
How do you manage and optimize the personal insights, the personal reflections, the follow-ups that you would like to pursue when you read a book?

Piece of paper the stays with book . . . listing one or two words with page number or very lightly pencil circle/check concept/word in Glossary/Index . . . no worries @mcogilvie not red or pen . . . LOL

As such, in my humble opinion for non-fiction, it would seem to make more sense for the objective Glossary/Index be placed before the author's subjective Table of Contents and chapters thereafter to sequentially facilitate general to particular reading compression
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How do you manage and optimize the personal insights, the personal reflections, the follow-ups that you would like to pursue when you read a book?
99% of my reading of all types is digital. I have moved to using Readwise Reader and I highlight phrases and also write notes as I read. Even pleasure reading sometimes has something that I want to capture. Those things get automatically sent to my Obsidian vault as a separate note for each book or article. I have them automatically filed in a Reference_and_Source folder in Obsidian. I usually treat new items as inbox items although I do not put them in my Obsidian Inbox as that makes the automatic sync with Readwise not work as well. I have them all automatically tagged with a wip tag that I can then find easily for clarification, cleaning up and linking to other notes and materials.
I base on PDF documents and citations and I organize my notes separately as wiki entries, topics or personal thoughts.

Technically I use Readwise Reader for highlights which I export to Notion.