Mine is in a belt pouch
My mobile GTD kit consists of
My Palm Treo Cell Phone (phone & shipping list in SplashShopper)
My iPod Touch & microphone earbuds (Main GTD list manager in the form of Omnifocus, also the calendar, contacts database & notes in Evernote. Also used for Skype when in wifi range.)
Cheap 3 x 5 inch notepad (capture device)
2 pens (1 always quits just when I need it)
Canon PowerShot SD940 IS camera (amazing how it works as a capture tool)
spare battery for camera
spare image card for camera
printout of the spreadsheep that has all the sheep with their names, official tag numbers and some critical data, (# of lambs this year and sexes of lambs, age & latest health notes)
about a dozen business cards
Leatherman fuse multitool (Critical for doing a lot of 2 minute or less tasks as soon as I see them. Also for cutting fences if sheep get tangled, cutting hay strings, repairing fences and more.)
I carry these things with me all the time in a belt pouch or on my belt. Doesn't matter where I am going. If I go out I still wear my belt pouch. If it's a fancy out as in dressed up in something other than valley formal (no irrigating boots, not much manure on your shoes and no blood on your clothes
) I put these items into my purse.
Only additions are seasonal, summer I add an epi pen because I am allergic to bees and some autumns I add a handgun on my belt (not concealed) depends on how many bears are in the area. If I could figure how to carry a lever action rifle or shotgun easily I'd prefer that but a handgun is a reasonable bear scaring tool in a pinch. Still trying to find a handy quick access shoulder scabbard for a long gun that a short person can carry easily.