i have multiple context on my next actions.
i might assign @call, @agenda to the person i wanted to corespond to.
the reason is i have something i wanted to talk to him. i can call him later in appropriate time and i might also bump into him later in the evening (if we are working at the same place/campus)
so, if i happen to see him, i will peek at my @agenda list. if not, i might decide to call him and peek at my @call list.
in other case, i have multiple context for places too. example:-
i work in a college where they have 2 seperate campus(building), the old wing and the new wing. so i have these 3 contexts,
usually, i would assign @COLLEGE together with @COLLEGE-NEW WING or @COLLEGE-OLD WING.
in the end, it all depends on individual preference. As long as you feel comfortable and are productive (cranking the widges) either way is fine.
ps. my @CALL also includes SMS (just in case you are wondering)