Do you have a receipt for the artwork? If so, put it into your Tickler for Saturday and forget about it till then.
An alternative - if you arrange stuff you need to take out with you the day before you need it, then you would put your receipt into your Tickler for Friday, take it out Friday and put it with your stuff for Saturday.
I use the latter method. I organize stuff for the next day into a bag and place it at the door, ready to be picked up as I leave the flat. Everything I need for the day is in the bag. This means that I don't have to think about it first thing in the morning - I know that everything is in there for me to just pick up and go.
If I have an important meeting, I find this method helps me relax and sleep better the night before. For me, this is one of the big benefits of GTD. It helps me empty my mind of so many little things that need to be done so that I can use my energy to get on with other, more important things.