Multiple Tickler Files and What Goes In

Hi GTDers,

Do you have one tickler file for both personal and professional items, or do you use separate ticklers?

My problem with using only one tickler, is that my "personal and professional" tickler file, is mostly filled with personal items.

Would it be better to do away with a professional tickler file and simply check a personal tickler file? Since I have mostly digital items professionally, does that mean I don't need a professional tickler file? Should I simply use my calendar to remind me of things?

Why I Switched to One Tickler File Originally
I've experimented keeping separate tickler files, but my energy level is low after work and I don't want to open up a personal tickler to review. Currently, I keep both personal and professional items in my office tickler file.

(The caveat is that I need to check Friday-Saturday-Sunday folders at the same time.)
I use two, one at home and one in the office, but they both have a mixture of personal and professional items in them. Where an item goes often depends on whether it got processed at home or in the office. If I process an item in the office that needs to be actioned at home, I either put it straight in my bag to take home, or if that isn't convenient for whatever reason, I put it in the work tickler in the tab for the day I want to take it home. I work from home on Fridays, so Thursday is my last day in the office. If something needs to be actioned on a weekend and I can't take it home immediately (maybe I'm going to the theatre and don't want to carry a backpack that day, or my bag is already too full), then it would go in the tab for Thursday. When I get it home, it goes in the home tickler for the day I'm going to need it. Similarly, if I process something at home that needs to be actioned at the office, it goes in the home tickler for the day I want to take it to work, then put it in the work tickler for the day I'm going to use it.