Must Organize Firefox Bookmarks

here's my problem
I have over 500 bookmarks organized in roughly 30 folders in firfox. I don't want that. it's too disorganized. I need to get it organized and consolidated and so it's no so byzantine and overly-complex.

I have
reads_ar (already read after reading)
and the same things for clips to watch etc.

but I have project categories that fueled projects (like cat links before I tried to get a cat or old or 3 different types of "fun/interesting" class of links. and poorly named folders like "good stuff" and random tags..and the whole bookmark situation is a mess. I'm afraid to discard bookmarks because old ones might somehow be useful in some unforeseen process in the future maybe those should be consolidated.

I had a nice organized Devonthink system set up for reading but then I spent forever linking them from firefox to devonthink. I just want to use firefox, need bookmark system to be MUCH simpler!

Thank you.
I keep most of the bookmarks that are just 'interesting' rather than used in Evernote. If you want to keep everything in firefox, maybe have a 'reference' folder with all the stuff that's just in case and old projects. As for the naming problem you might just stuff everything in a big review folders and sort it in a more sensible way when you got time. I am doing just that after consolidating all my bookmarks from different browsers with xmarks.
Linada;66393 said:
I keep most of the bookmarks that are just 'interesting' rather than used in Evernote. If you want to keep everything in firefox, maybe have a 'reference' folder with all the stuff that's just in case and old projects. As for the naming problem you might just stuff everything in a big review folders and sort it in a more sensible way when you got time. I am doing just that after consolidating all my bookmarks from different browsers with xmarks.

yeah i'll likely throw in a reference folder with subcategories something like that.

i think just writing about this problem and presenting it out there to the productivity community is over 50% of the solution.
A-Z too obvious?

I introduced recently an A-Z system also in the bookmarks. It works pretty well, I think to use the bookmarks more than before because now I don't loose time to find them!
Why worry?

Use read it later to flag things to read at some point. If they are still useful as reference material after that first read then save them as a proper bookmark on delicious with some tags.

Seriously there are better more beneficial things to do than sort bookmarks.

I started sorting mine out recently and just couldnt be bothered so went the route i describe above.

Best of luck!