I am brand spankin new to the whole GTD concept and am very excited about it.
I have been looking online in different forums, etc. for some sort of visual on how the heck to work this system and actually put it into real practice.
Because I am such a visual learner, it has been very difficult for me to wrap my head around all these written out steps that I've found.
The link you gave looks great. I will take my time on this site and am thrilled that there are pictures that make sense.
Not sure if this visual need is more of a woman thing or not, but another thing I have a hard time imagining is doing all of this electronically which seems to be what almost all are doing.
My personal primary learning style is probably Tactile/Kinesthetic with the close second being visual which is probably why the whole paper system appeals to me so much more.
I think that I'd probably not keep the electronic system up for very long.
Anyhoo, thanks for the link!