Need a simple Date/Time Stamp button

I use the Franklin Covey Plan Plus for Windows and synch with a Treo. I have been using this program for years and it always had a time/date stamp button. The latest version took this feature out. It was handy for stamping notes in the contact lists, etc. Can anyone suggest a small program that might insert the date and time with the press of a button on the dest top?

I Remember That!

I remember that little button -- I loved that thing!

I tried writing some Windows Scripting to do this as I * really * don't want another program running, but, alas, I could not get past some security hurrdles on that.

A lot of programs (like Office 2007) have shortcut keys you can learn.

But, I too hearken for the good old "rubber stamp" days.
Shortcut5 is simple little program for the Palm/Treo that allow an easy date or time stamp. I will try the program you suggested.

ActiveWords will do this and a whole lot more. Its awesome. Look for other posts on its use in this forum.
