Need GTD presentation ideas

I am going to present GTD to my co-workers at our monthly "brown bag" lunch.

I am in no way a GTD expert. I've only been doing GTD for a few months. But I am a good presenter and I feel I can convey the core subject matter and encourage people to buy the book.

The brown bag lunch is one hour. I want it to be interesting and also fun. If it goes well hopefully I will be asked to present again so I can delve deeper into the subject.

If you only had one hour to present GTD...

- Would you try to cover everything or focus on certain main issues? What would those main issues be?
- What visual aids would you use (I can do PowerPoint or just hand outs or both)?
- Besides this website, what other websites would you recommend I list as good resources?

By the way, if you have given a similar presentation and are kind enough to share your outline or notes, I would really appreciate it.

simple powerpoint demonstration

Hi Howard,

I prepared a very simple powerpoint demonstration for my boss. I'm not sure how to get it to you though?

It may help a little to see how someone else did it?


Lunch-time discussion about GTD

I feel I can convey the core subject matter and encourage people to buy the book.

This is SO great to hear. I might recommend you visit the website, you could also grab a few of the "articles" to pass around before/during/after lunch.

- Would you try to cover everything or focus on certain main issues? What would those main issues be?

Personally, when I saw the "Workflow Diagram" for the first time back in '97 I was involved. I used that diagram exclusively to process and organize my desk-work. I also shared it with my high school students as a way of getting anything into a system.

- What visual aids would you use (I can do PowerPoint or just hand outs or both)? of my FAVORITES to answer this prompt would be:

- Besides this website, what other websites would you recommend I list as good resources?

Good luck!
some ideas from 1/2 hour presentation

Hi Howard,

The materials I used for a recent 1/2 hour presentation were very basic: two
posters - the classic Processing/Organizing workflow diagram, and a
hand-written summary of GTD (you can read more here. I also used some physical props (labeler, planner, etc.)

I found it a challenge to cover the points I cared about in 1/2 hour, but it was fun, and made me review and re-think the essential GTD concepts.

I'd be glad to talk about this with you - feel free to email me:
Thanks everyone for your input.

Matt, great blog. I'll email you as I start to get my thoughts together.

Since I don't think I can cover the entire book in one hour, I think the most important issues for my audience are how to clean out your inbox and keep it clean (process) and how to determine next actions and put them into context (organize). This might whet the appetite enough for a second presentation where I can go into the collection stage and the review process.