Need immediately to replace Palm Treo 680

After 3 years and being such a good companion for my GTD system, today my Palm Treo 680 is not working more.

I need to replace it as soon as possible!

I have 2 options:
1 - Stay with Palm OS to have few switching costs (same applications...) and buy a Palm Centro
2 - Go for a Blackberry or Iphone or something else.

I know that option 1 is just for the next few years but this is not a good period for me to spend time for the transition to another system.
My biggest worry is not founding easily an effective application for managing tasks lists.
Another thing to consider is that I don't have at the moment a flat data connection plan on my mobile plan.

Thank you so much for your suggestions!

I was really happy with the Palm Centro when I used it. I used Palms since the original "Pilot" models and loved them. I'd say that would be your easy transition with your current setup.
go to ebay and pick up a 700p or another 680/ ?

I don't have a data plan for my 700p i'm with verizon and they don't require it here in San Diego.
aaresca;75811 said:
I know that option 1 is just for the next few years but this is not a good period for me to spend time for the transition to another system.

In that case I would just try and duplicate what you have with another Palm. Switching is always more trouble than you expect !

What kind (if any) of PC are you syncing to ?

Palm OS

Ok, I see you all agree I must go for the easy option! :D

@Michael I sync with Palm Desktop on my Windows XP Notebook, but I'm considering switch to Mac this year.
aaresca;75842 said:
Ok, I see you all agree I must go for the easy option! :D

@Michael I sync with Palm Desktop on my Windows XP Notebook, but I'm considering switch to Mac this year.

OK I was thinking about OmniFocus which is one of the most developed GTD apps on the iPhone but the desktop/laptop client runs on the mac. I guess that is another reason to stick easy now and do the mac/iphone upgrade later :p

Palm Centro

Yesterday I ordered a Palm Centro from UK.

I wasn't able to find it in Italy...
I think I am one of the last Italian to use Palm OS.

Thanks everybody for joining the discussion.
Unexpectedly found a solution and now?

I posted a question to and I received an answer. I tried the "unofficial" solution proposed and... it worked!! :p
Treo 680 is working again.

Now another "dilemma":
1. Return the Centro when it will be shipped
2. Retire the Centro and use a new smartphone

I like that Centro is lighter, I like that is new...
but is it worth the expence to have such a similar device to what I use now?

Thank you for partecipating in the choice! :p
I liked both the Treo and Centro

I liked them both. Treo was robust and felt like a sturdy mobile device. The Centro was nice and lite, but a bit play-like in the look and feel. But I preferred carrying it to the Treo for the weight.
BB not great

I have a BB Storm and am not impressed. It is great email, but the other apps are more clunky than Palm. For instance, you can have plenty of categories, but there is only 1 category list, so @Call shows up for notes, contacts, tasks and anything else that uses a category.

TO view @Call tasks, you need to go to hit the menu button, select filter then scroll through the universal list and select @Call. Repeat to see your @Computer list.

When you're adding a new task like Call Bill, you can't lookup Bill and import his phone number as you can with Palm.

You can buy some better apps; I'm currently demoing NextAction!, and I like it, but the BB can only hold a few apps. The 8GIG SD card they advertise only holds files, music, video etc. There is only .5GIG of application space, enough for maybe 6 apps total.

I have only 4 apps installed, and 1 of them is the BB App Store - required to load any other apps, and I have only 31.6M of Application Memory free.

I'd consider an iPhone, but AT&T coverage is horrible for miles around my house. I'll look into a Droid phone in the fall when my contract is up.

It's also very slow to respond to any input.

I like the virtual keypad though. I want to know I pressed a key, rather than wait for the iPhone to decide whether or not I have, as it does on my iPod.