Need Techie Help-GTD Add In and Blackberry 8320

I just persuaded our IT folks to put the new version of the GTD Add In on my machine. Until then, I was using the approach David wrote in GTD and Outlook 2003. My Blackberry synched up to the system when I manually modified Outlook per the GTD/Outlook guide. I'm having problems synching with the Add In. My new Categories/Actions show up in the Blackberry when I try to filter by that action/category but the data does not sync over.

I know there were issues in the past with the Add In and Blackberry not playing well together but I thought this may have been resolved in the new Add In. Maybe it has and I'm missing some steps. I checked the Netcentrics forums but could not find an answer. Any help is appreciated.
bartco;71557 said:
...My new Categories/Actions show up in the Blackberry when I try to filter by that action/category but the data does not sync over.

I almost have the same setup as yours (Outlook 03/GTD Add In/BlackBerry 8310) and I sync via the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

How do you sync your tasks between the BlackBerry and Outlook?
Do new tasks in the BBerry do not sync at all to Outlook (or vice-versa), or they do sync but there are fields in the tasks not being transferred?

Greetings from sunny Baja, Mexico

Gabriel S.
Thanks for the response Gabriel. I sync over the air and am on a BES. The tasks do not apprear on the Blackberry at all when synching. Before I switched to the Add In, my tasks were synching fine.
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with OTA sync via BES... all my BlackBerries I've had have been for personal use.

Hope someone around here can come up with something.

GTD Add-in, Outlook 2007, Next Action and the BES on the Storm

I am having issues getting this setup to work. Anyone have it dialed in?