New Feature Suggestions for GTD iPhone App

Hello Everyone,

NetCentrics is exploring the idea of potentially creating a GTD iPhone application that works with the GTD Outlook Add-In. Due to some constraints, all of the features that are found in the current GTD Outlook Add-In can not be implemented within Apple’s iPhone OS. Given that if we move forward, the functionality will be more limited, what are the minimum requirements you would want in a GTD iPhone application?

Thank you for your suggestions and your time,

The GTD Outlook Add-In Innovation Team
iPhone minimum feature suggestions

1. on-line syncing
2. off-line usability
3. Don't duplicate core iPhone app functions
4. Play nicely with iPhone's that sync to corporate Exchange servers for email, cal, and address.
5. Fast
6. Don't delete data too easily (e.g. with 1 swipe). Archive it for later purge.
7. Voice entry using Google's amazing voice recognition engine (OK, not a minimum feature, but a potentially awesome one.)

Now for a reach:
Work independently of Outlook Netcentrics add-in.
I'm an early Netcentrics adopter, but had to stop using the add-in due to stability/performance problems. As those were resolved, I moved to mac platform for most computing. (I still recommend the Netcentrics program to colleagues). Would be great to benefit from some of Netcentrics functionality solely by using iPhone.