As I mentioned in a post I did a few days ago, I’ve just recently become active on the forum, although I’ve been using GTD for about a year. I was scanning through old threads and found one titled “Ubiquitous Capture Tool” that I’d like to comment upon, as it relates to my business. I am somewhat hesitant to post this, so, please note, I’m not selling anything, just asking for feedback.
My company is testing a product to work with perhaps the most ubiquitous tool we have – our cell phones. As David says in a couple of places, the car is an excellent place to do a mind sweep. A cell phone is one of the few tools we can use while we’re driving. To get things off your mind, you just call the product and tell it what you need to remember. Tasks and appointments are recorded, transcribed using voice recognition, and placed directly into MS Outlook, ready for the next steps of processing and action.
We’re testing the product until Nov. 15 and then will be making decisions on what to do with it. Feedback from GTD’ers on the go would be invaluable to us in our decision-making. I know from scanning the forums that a number of you use PDAs and voice recorders. I’d love feedback both from those who have other tools, and from those who only have a cell phone. If any of you would like to try the product, you can go to www.pensieve.com and click on register.
I’m grateful for any and all feedback.
My company is testing a product to work with perhaps the most ubiquitous tool we have – our cell phones. As David says in a couple of places, the car is an excellent place to do a mind sweep. A cell phone is one of the few tools we can use while we’re driving. To get things off your mind, you just call the product and tell it what you need to remember. Tasks and appointments are recorded, transcribed using voice recognition, and placed directly into MS Outlook, ready for the next steps of processing and action.
We’re testing the product until Nov. 15 and then will be making decisions on what to do with it. Feedback from GTD’ers on the go would be invaluable to us in our decision-making. I know from scanning the forums that a number of you use PDAs and voice recorders. I’d love feedback both from those who have other tools, and from those who only have a cell phone. If any of you would like to try the product, you can go to www.pensieve.com and click on register.
I’m grateful for any and all feedback.