Hey, kudos to those who put that 7 minute video together - it's no simple 1-step task to edit a bunch of video down into a tight, slick presentation. However, I have to say, and this may be a cultural thing (I'm in Australia), but the new video of segments taken from David's presentations makes me cringe.
I've been an avid fan of the Getting Things Done book for almost three years now, and have evangelised both the book and technique far and wide. But I feel that the way that video has been put together belies the strength of the techniques as well as their collective strength, while making David look like a wanna-be comedian. It's joke after joke followed by cuts to the audience laughing. Hey, a little light relief in the course of a few hours is great, but to condense every off-the-cuff wisecrack into 7 minutes of video turns what is a life-altering, business-enhancing system into a side-show, IMHO.
I apologise to those who've put this video together, because I can see the work and care that's gone into it. But I feel that along the way, subtly, it's overshot the mark by trying to paint David as more entertainer than educator.