What should I do about things that I DEFINITELY need to do... (which means that they shouldn't be on the "maybe" list)... but which are not (yet) urgent. I seem to have low priority stuff seriously cluttering up my system!
I have about 60+ Projects and 80 Next Actions. As David Allen suggests, my Next Actions are grouped into contextual lists. But my problem is that each contextual list (done by Tag in GTDNext) is horribly cluttered with horrible non-urgent stuff that just gets in the way!
[Aside: I should explain that the problem is made *much* worse due to the fact that I am semi-dyslexic and find reading slow and painful (!) so skim-reading isn't something I can really do. ]
Frankly I'm sick of looking at low priority stuff as other things are more way urgent and often more important. But nonetheless these things MUST get done at some point. Should I just allocate them to a random time in the future purely on the basis of them being not urgent enough yet? i.e. Is this the real purpose of the Tickler file (and the use of Start Date)?(!)
On a paper system I guess I would could use the physical Tickler folder system... but that completely hides things for however many days which may not be so clever. OR I could use a highlighter pen, with increasing shades of colour as it gets more urgent. (e.g. underline lightly ==> more firmly ==> twice ==> brighter coloured pen etc)
On something like GTDNext you can give "Focus" to things - but it is binary and is more designed for the "immediate tasks for today".
You can also drag and drop things in the Next Actions window, thereby using sort for priority. Useful but still clunky and only operating at the today level.
But sorting the outline list of Projects is much more painful, simply because there are so many of them. And worse if I show Projects AND All actions open at once (at least 60+80 ==> 140+!)
So esp being somewhat dyslexic, I am soon finding these lists swimming in front of me with no immediate way of visualizing priorities.
I am a very visual guy. My brain is wired for shapes and colours more than words.
Are you with me on this problem? If so do you have any answers?
What should I do about things that I DEFINITELY need to do... (which means that they shouldn't be on the "maybe" list)... but which are not (yet) urgent. I seem to have low priority stuff seriously cluttering up my system!
I have about 60+ Projects and 80 Next Actions. As David Allen suggests, my Next Actions are grouped into contextual lists. But my problem is that each contextual list (done by Tag in GTDNext) is horribly cluttered with horrible non-urgent stuff that just gets in the way!
[Aside: I should explain that the problem is made *much* worse due to the fact that I am semi-dyslexic and find reading slow and painful (!) so skim-reading isn't something I can really do. ]
Frankly I'm sick of looking at low priority stuff as other things are more way urgent and often more important. But nonetheless these things MUST get done at some point. Should I just allocate them to a random time in the future purely on the basis of them being not urgent enough yet? i.e. Is this the real purpose of the Tickler file (and the use of Start Date)?(!)
On a paper system I guess I would could use the physical Tickler folder system... but that completely hides things for however many days which may not be so clever. OR I could use a highlighter pen, with increasing shades of colour as it gets more urgent. (e.g. underline lightly ==> more firmly ==> twice ==> brighter coloured pen etc)
On something like GTDNext you can give "Focus" to things - but it is binary and is more designed for the "immediate tasks for today".
You can also drag and drop things in the Next Actions window, thereby using sort for priority. Useful but still clunky and only operating at the today level.
But sorting the outline list of Projects is much more painful, simply because there are so many of them. And worse if I show Projects AND All actions open at once (at least 60+80 ==> 140+!)
So esp being somewhat dyslexic, I am soon finding these lists swimming in front of me with no immediate way of visualizing priorities.
I am a very visual guy. My brain is wired for shapes and colours more than words.
Are you with me on this problem? If so do you have any answers?