Newbie Question on Project Management

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Hey y'all,

I am very new to GTD - just finishing the tape series.

My concern is with project management. I "have" to see the scope and depth of projects relatively regularly to feel comfortable about progress. I am one of those 20,000+ feet people who have trouble with the runway view.

I am looking for a software - not web-enbled - to help me schedule and manage the projects once I have them on my project list. I really like basecamp but it is too pricey for me. I like the ability to see the projects that I am working on as well as the due dates, the next actions, completion status and milestones all integrated with a calender view.

Any suggestions? ps. I am currently using win xp and the "calender" view is not up to par for me. I work for a very small company - so i am guessing the MS project is too much for us?

Thanks for your time...
Have you looked into SureTrak from Primavera? I have used it for many a project (find it better than MS Project) for reporting and ease of use. Overkill for most people.

Also there are a few Open Source applications that may fit the bill.

Of course, you may not need a full blown project manager (GNATT, Reporting, PERT etc) but just a good list manager that understands dates and columns (Ecco Pro -- freeware) does this rather well (including GNATT timing charts).

The good ole 3x5 cards and a large corkboard does wonder for this also. Many ways to see your projects, what is to be done and what is on hold. List each action on one card, use the large 5x8 for 'headers' or project names, place one 3x5 card for each action under the heading. Think outlines on that wall *grin*. My favourite method - 3x5 and/or outlines for those smaller projects.

Of course MindMapping has a good strong following, more of the graphical in nature. Have not been able to try it myself - shy.
Could you please give links to the Open Source software you mentioned in passing?