Next Actions Scope

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Using TaoNotes 3D Pro v2.56 you can regulate your Next Actions Scope...

This could be done using Priority Trackbar control.... Just drag to Low Prio mark and you will see all next actions (important or less-important).... drag to Max Prio and you will see reduced Next Actions Scope (just important tasks/events/notes)....

Try this powerful feature downloading and testing this application from site
TaoNotes site

Though it is a demo version.... it is fully functional + saves all what you've done there in 10 min interval.... (but there is a limitation on saving at a random moment)....

Vadim Schetinkin
How can your software know what is the priority of each Next Action?

How can your software know what is the priority of each Next Action?

In pure GTD you don't assign priorities to NAs. It would be a waste of your precious time.

Project can be active - so it has at least one NA with priority "Do it if you can" or it is Someday/Maybe without any NAs so "Do not do it".
RE: How can your software know what is the priority of each Next Action?

1) First thing. You can assign priorities. Even more. There is 'overall scored priority' for each item....(which depends on parent items)

2) Second thing. I DO NOT HAVE TO USE PRIORITIES! It is really hard to know sometimes what is actual priority of the task.... I know..... Therefore you could use STATES.
Task states

It much easier. You have to assign the state IN PROGRESS to the task you're doing now.... may be mark some tasks as PREPARE state (candidates for next actions)..... Then when you task is DONE.... the program calculates automatically NEXT ACTION from the set of candidates....

And There is MUTE state that corresponds to Someday/Maybe..... they will be considered as the NAs in the last turn....

So, as you've said Project Can Be Active and it could have list of probable NA..... and there is BEST NEXT ACTION (BNA).... the program calculates it by itself..... relying on states of the tasks....


TesTeq said:
How can your software know what is the priority of each Next Action?

In pure GTD you don't assign priorities to NAs. It would be a waste of your precious time.

Project can be active - so it has at least one NA with priority "Do it if you can" or it is Someday/Maybe without any NAs so "Do not do it".