NextAction for BB

First of all --- anyone considering purchasing NA for the BB should just get it already. Yes its expensive for a small app that really doesn't "do" much, but I'll tell you first hand that NA makes accessing my tasks lists SO MUCH MORE RESISTENCE FREE. And that's critical to a healthy GTD system.

One minor flaw is that it appears that you can't filter out completed tasks. Not only that, but completed tasks appear mixed in with all the other stuff. Its really unproductive to have to keep looking at stuff you've already done, don't you think?

Any other NA users that have found a fix to this? I'd love to hear it.


NoNeed for NextAction for Blackberry

roakleyca;49904 said:
One minor flaw is that it appears that you can't filter out completed tasks.

You've convinced me that I'm right in just getting on with using the Blackberry and not procrastinating about what software I need to make it work with GTD.

I've been using a Palm TX, for GTD, for a year now and love it. When my employer gave me a Blackberry three months ago I was skeptical about whether I could make it work with GTD.

Yes, with the Blackberry, it takes a few clicks to change from one context to another but this is a NOT an issue. If I am out using my Blackberry, I usually only need to refer to my @Errands, @Calls and @Agendas. My advice to new Blackberry users is just 'get things done' and don't worry about a few seconds lost with those extra clicks.

Another tip is to BCC yourself on emails you send and want to follow-up. If you are already using the GTD Outlook Addin then you will miss the 'Send and Delegate' functionality.

For three months, I've been carrying my both my Blackberry and my Palm TX. Now, I'm using only my Blackberry and focussing on my currently selected context on the task list.

So I don't see the need for NextAction. If you can't filter out completed tasks using NextAction I would certainly never buy it. That would be showstopper for me.

I'm about to plunge in with BB. But I've been using Windows Mobile devices for a while. I've found completed tasks mixed in all over the place. So I don't 'complete', just 'delete'. That gets rid of them.
Pocket Breeze

If you are using windows mobile device then "pocketBreeze" is the best application to filter your list in almost unlimited ways .It works great with Outlook and pocket IM
Yep, I've been using Pocket Breeze, which works really well. WM crashes all the time though, so I'm getting a Blackberry delivered today. We'll see if it's as slick!
Update on NextAction!

I managed to score a copy of the 2.0 Beta version and it solves the original problem of sorting out the completed tasks. Its still a little buggy, but I have a lot of confidence the developer will come through in the end...

Still very much worth the $$
I've been using NextAction on my 8100 Pearl and I have to agree with the comments about lowering resistance to using GTD on the BB. It is costly for a very small app, but I feel it is definately worth it! Now, I just wish I had all the features of the GTD add-in on my BB!
I loved Nextaction when I had my BB 8700, I now have the BB Curve and have had major issues trying to get it to work with the Beta version. Anyone else have the same issues??
Folks, try TodoMatrix and you'll be happy forever, I'm registered in both and I can say that Next Action's development is as slow as Molasses, try TodoMatrix and if you read on their site soon some updates are coming soon that will make this app a super Gtd Monster I can't wait myself
I'm using the NextAction 2.0 Beta and it is fantastic. Accessing my lists has never been so easy.

Keep your eye out for the official release of the 2.0. It will be worth it...