Groupwise and GTD and Tasks
Almost two years removed from the previous thread, I am experiencing similar sets of challlenges integrating GTD with the Groupwise system at our institution. Groupwise works fairly well as a calendar management system and an email network system. I've had problems using it as a task or project management system. The issues I raise may have to do simply with my lack of familiarity with the intricacies of the software but our IT folks couldn't really figure out the following either.
1. Unable to print out task list.
2. Unable to see the whole task list daily - only a small window on the lower right hand corner is available.
3. Can't complete "tasks" and simply check them off - they have to be part of the "Checklist," adding another step in the organizing process.
4. Personalizing the "Task" is great - but only if you stay at your desk. I've tried synchronizing my hp iPAQ with the Groupwise system and the Tasks don't synchronize with the it just ends up being one long unfiltered list on the PDA which can be difficult to use.
5. Once an email message is converted to a "Task" and is "Posted," the mail message goes to the "Trash." It is "saved" as a "Task" but the email search function can't find it. You have to remember the topic and the format of the information to find it (more things to remember to do). Once the "Task" is re-converted to a mail message, it looks a little different since it's been "Posted" already. And you can't check things off as you go, unless you had put it in the Checklist folder.
6. I've resorted to making email folders on the left-hand side for Tasks, Waiting For, and various project folders.
Anyone have any experiences or suggestions you can share?