C CosmoGTD Guest Mar 23, 2006 #2 Here is a link to some audio from Sally McGhee, who wrote a book 'Take Back Your Life' about MS Outlook, with pretty similar ideas to GTD. http://www.mcgheeproductivity.com/library/index.html Direct download (14 MB) (right click, save) http://download.microsoft.com/downl...ctions_unplugged_Mar2006_TakeBackYourLife.wma
Here is a link to some audio from Sally McGhee, who wrote a book 'Take Back Your Life' about MS Outlook, with pretty similar ideas to GTD. http://www.mcgheeproductivity.com/library/index.html Direct download (14 MB) (right click, save) http://download.microsoft.com/downl...ctions_unplugged_Mar2006_TakeBackYourLife.wma