Online Tickler?

Online Tickler? Google Calendar!

I use Google Calendar for my reminders. If I need a file or something, I email it to my GMail account and use the date that I want it in the subject:

Subject: 2006-09-25 Meeting Notes

and then make a Google Calendar note

Google will email you and/or SMS you with reminders. Hard to beat, plus it's free and reliable.
luomat, thanks for the tip. I use Google Calendar for appointment so I guess using it as a tickler is not a bad idea.

I was hoping Google would create a task list to go along with the calendar. Maybe someday.
Do not use this service, however from a quick look I would ask why? The value (used loosely) is in the $19/month plan and for some that may not meet their project needs.

So save you're self the $228 pa and find another tool. Additionally, most tickler items I have are physical (print outs, tickets etc) in nature ... so I still need a physical tickler system (ie 43 file folders).