Outlook Add-in - project list with an action that is the project.

In the Active Tasks by Projects view with the Outlook Add-in the name of the project comes up in blue as one of the actions. I assume this is so you can check off the whole project as complete when you complete it, but does anyone know if there a way to hide this.

I need to print my actions out by projects to someone else in the company and it just looks a bit odd having this as one of the actions listed.
Project Central

Have you seen the "create report" function in project central? It does a good job of summarizing project calender item, tasks, sub projects etc....for print out

Thank you for pointing that out. Useful to know although it seems a pity you can't edit how it is presented.

If anyone is interested I've actually found a way of filtering out the "project" action. You can filter out all actions with a tick in the "Master Project" field.

I've also found a way of filtering out all of my actions that don't have a linked project. (in my system these area all actions associated with home but not work). This I have done by filtering out all those that have nothing in the "project" field.
Using add in with OUtlook 2007

I'm been using the GTD addin with Outlook 2007 and its working perfectly at present. I had a few crashes early on but then I was asked to change to a new versions and no more crashes so far.

I wish I had started using it earlier. I had held out against it due to the price for about 5 years!

But it is certainly improving my swiftness in dealing with so many emails.