I am a newbie to GTD. Always looking for a more efficient way. I used the Franklin Planner and moleskin in the past. I need your help in determining the right tools for GTD.
I am a sales rep and my company uses salesforce.com. I find myself constantly going between three systems and do not have a single source of truth -- Salesforce.com (has its own 'tasks' and 'calendaring' for customer follow-up); Outlook (email and calendaring with the company); my written notes (from meetings and phone calls, with written action items).
I have used the integration software between Salesfoce.com and Outlook. It works fairly well, but does not move the Account name as it adds tasks to Outlook. I have recently disabled the integration and installed the Outlook Add in for GTD. I am getting used to it, but it seems to only be useful for emails, not written notes, or salesfoce.com.
My question, has anyone used the Add in with the Salesforce integration for Outlook software. It seems like it would get confused with the Add in. I hestitate to re-enable it, fearing it will screw up everything and possibly corrupt information.
Ideally I would like one source of truth to do 'collection', 'action', review. But I don't see how that can happen when working with three different systems. I also have a blackberry that synchs well with Outlook calendaring and email. I don't use blackberry tasks. Too many things to keep track of since already using Outlook calendar and saleforce tasks.
Ideally I want a Tablet PC that integrates to Outlook and salesfoce with GTD software. So as I write during meetings and phone calls it is automatically collected and I can do action items on the fly during meetings. Having to re-write notes for Salesfoce.com activity is such a waste of time.
Any comments about any of the above would be welcome.
Thank you,
I am a sales rep and my company uses salesforce.com. I find myself constantly going between three systems and do not have a single source of truth -- Salesforce.com (has its own 'tasks' and 'calendaring' for customer follow-up); Outlook (email and calendaring with the company); my written notes (from meetings and phone calls, with written action items).
I have used the integration software between Salesfoce.com and Outlook. It works fairly well, but does not move the Account name as it adds tasks to Outlook. I have recently disabled the integration and installed the Outlook Add in for GTD. I am getting used to it, but it seems to only be useful for emails, not written notes, or salesfoce.com.
My question, has anyone used the Add in with the Salesforce integration for Outlook software. It seems like it would get confused with the Add in. I hestitate to re-enable it, fearing it will screw up everything and possibly corrupt information.
Ideally I would like one source of truth to do 'collection', 'action', review. But I don't see how that can happen when working with three different systems. I also have a blackberry that synchs well with Outlook calendaring and email. I don't use blackberry tasks. Too many things to keep track of since already using Outlook calendar and saleforce tasks.
Ideally I want a Tablet PC that integrates to Outlook and salesfoce with GTD software. So as I write during meetings and phone calls it is automatically collected and I can do action items on the fly during meetings. Having to re-write notes for Salesfoce.com activity is such a waste of time.
Any comments about any of the above would be welcome.
Thank you,