Palm Keyboard - Super Productivity Enhancement

I recently purchased one of the folding portable keyboards for my Palm m500. That purchase was one of the best investments in productivity that I've ever made. So far I've used it for the following:

  • Taking Class and meeting notes using the Thought Manager outliner.
    Processing my "In" while I'm away from my desk (entering actions, projects, appointments, etc.)
    Keeping a journal of work I do at client sites using DayNotez.
    Keeping a personal journal in DayNotez
    Entering expenses in the expense app while I'm on the road.

A laptop would be overkill for me, not to mention that I can't fit a laptop into my shirt pocket. The portable keyboard has turned my Palm into just enough laptop for me. FYI.

Palm Keyboard - Super Productivity Enhancement

Can't agree more. I had a M100 with Keyboard and since switching to the M500, I miss the board alot. I have a laptop for updating the Palm Desktop but unless you buy the Desktop version of products like Thought Manager you miss out on the speed possible with the Keyboard. Now to save up the $150 Canadian to buy it.

A small aside - Thought Manager looks good for managing lists so far (have it, bought it, love it).
