PDA-based 'Contacts as Projects'



I came across this whilst implementing Bill Kratz's system in Outlook and synching across to Agendus on my Clie. The To Dos on the Clie, in the Contact section, contain the name of your 'Project' When you click on this contact/project name, Agendus asks you if you want to create a new contact. (Palm OS will only allow one Contact category to sync so your 'Projects as Contacts' folder won't appear on the Palm).

Once you've created a new contact for this project, the contact details for this new project/contact contain all the todos and meetings associated with that project.

As I have an in-built dislike for all things Microsoft (no rationale, I just do !) I am now running a pure Palm-based system which I only backup on the PC. All my projects are stored as Agendus contacts,under a Projects category. Todos and meetings are created from within the contact (Agendus being a contact manager at heart).

I've used a lot of information from this forum in the past and wanted to share this with this group.

Hope this is useful,
