PlannerPad and Time Design system


Professor of microbiology and infectious diseases
I currently have and use a PlannerPad system. However, I am intrigued by the Time Design system. What are the advantages of this system over PlannerPad? The latter is very reasonably priced whereas the Time Design system is EXPENSIVE :shock: to say the least! But, if it is as good as the website says that it is, maybe it is worth the cost. Any comments from Time Design users?

Longstreet :)

Hi Mark,

Oh yea...oops! I see you are an avid user of the Time Design system. It sounds good. I would like to see some of the pages beyond what you can see on the website. Do you know if one could obtain samples to look at before making a decision to purchase? Normally, I would not consider asking, but at this price...
I've used Time Design in the past and really like(ed) it. I had mentioned in an earlier post a few months ago that if I went back to a paper system, it's the only one I would consider. There have been other posts that mention how well it works with GTD system and how it seems to be written specifically for the GTD system. Evidently, David Allen used to use it...

I don't know of anywhere else to see sample pages, but I just did a search on "Time Design" and found a lot of hits. My suggestion is to do the same search and read through the info there. At least it might help alleviate any concerns about the cost/benefit.

You may also try contacting them to see if they'll send out a sample...

(standard disclaimer: not affiliated with Time Design in any way :) )

Hi Mark,

Thanks for providing these links. I greatly appreciate it! :D
