Planning more than one next action ahead

What if I want to plan a few steps ahead? Should I set many "Next Actions" and tag them all with the project's name?

What about their order of execution?

It would be nice to have a list of Next Actions for each project, but in RTM, this requires changing settings everytime I'm starting or finishing a project.

What is your way of working?
See thread "" for some context here. I'm sure there are others.

Ideally you keep a project plan with the project support materials - this does NOT have to be every action to finish it, but I find it a good place to brainstorm the key actions.

Ideally you have just one NA for each project, but you might have several alternative next actions in different contexts - a phone call, a waiting for, and an office based next action all on your lists at once for example.

Personally if there are more than one alternative next actions which could be done in the same context, I pick one of them for my context list and keep the rest off it. Once you start working on a project, you often end up doing several actions (more if you're not interrupted).

When you stop or are interrupted you need to somehow record where you were up to - either compose the next action and add it carefully to the next list (which I am finding annoys me) or just jot down where you were up to and pop it in your inbox for later processing (somethign I'm now trying)
yonyz;70195 said:
What is your way of working?

It varies. I often set several actions up when I create a project. SOme are sequential and some are parallel. I can set the actions easily either way and even group sets that are different within the project. For most of my projects the project plan is included within the same tool that creates my next actions lists and projects lists. I don't have separate reference folders for most of my projects.
I'm using Omnifocus, no clue how to adapt that to RTM.
OmniFocus is allowing me to capture any number of things I wish to list for any given project. When I used paper, it took a little longer to think through what those actions might be before I recorded them on the appropriate list.
yonyz;70253 said:
Seems like the whole Omni products line is Mac-only. Am I right?

Yes, and as far as the CEO says, no plans to change. They came out of the NeXT environment. It would be almost impossible to do the same sort of stuff as easily in a Windows environment. I could see them moving into more traditional linux environments because those are similar enough to the base of Mac OS X that their programming expertise would mostly translate but there are no plans to do so.

So why not get a mac and only run Windows on it if you have to for something specific? :-)
Oogiem;70254 said:
So why not get a mac and only run Windows on it if you have to for something specific? :-)

I'd rather go the Hackintosh way and buy a legit Mac OS X OS copy, but my audio and graphics cards are not supported.
MonkeyGTD (webapp on Tiddlyspot) works for me.
The user interface is not that great, but it has everything I need to implement GTD exactly as David Allen suggests.