Planning my book guided session

Matar maoz

I have arrived at the point in the book where the session starts (part two chapter 4), and I am considering allocating two full days for it as the gtd book suggests.
I have flipped through the book in search for the end of the session but couldn't find it. Is it the end of chapter 2 (page 238)? If it is than I will need more than 2 days.
Can someone help?


Two thoughts:
1. I would have to read through the rest of the book, capturing how long I think it would take for a given process to be completed and build a schedule. Then I would feel comfortable scheduling the days to invest.
2. Sitting here in 2023, I wish I had told myself in 2003 that hiring the GTD Coach to help me setup my system would have been worth every penny of the not inconsiderable cost it takes to hire one.

That said, based upon my personality (I like to drive the train), I would do the following:

Part 1
Read a section of the book taking notes so I would have a shorthand for completing that section and be able to generate a time estimate to complete.

Part 2
I would probably schedule the time only after reading the rest of at least the setup section. Here's why: with all estimates of the various aspects in, I know the relative timeframe for each section. I would use that factor to divide up the two setup days into windows for each section (based upon that ratio). I would not schedule the full time for the full setup because I would need breaks to refresh. This is a journey of skills acquisition and I am not ready for 5K much less a marathon.

Part 3
During those two days, I would consider each section as a practice on learning the process in those sections, getting as much completed as you can. I would look at what remains, re-estimate the time and book time to complete the rest of that section over a relatively short timeframe. It is important that I save where I am in the process (so I can resume later) and continue to the next section to practice those skills. Repeat.

GTD is a practice, so getting to know various skill sets is an evergreen process. Let this two days be your introduction to acquiring the skills and decide to devote the time necessary to obtain a high proficiency of each skill set.

The time boxing technique is employed by GTD trainers to teach the weekly review skill: Experience each section of the weekly review within one hour, limiting each section to a few minutes.

That said, If I had a GTDConnect subscription, I would be able to listen to a recorded webinar about each part of the setup and orient myself before starting the process.

Hope this is helpful and no I don't get commission from the coaches or GTDConnect. I just think their value is worth it.

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experiences, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories. —Professor Richard Feynman