PPC Outlook Link Sync


I've looked high and low. Does anyone know of a program that will sync the links between my Pocket PC (PPC) and my laptop in Outlook.

Keysuite has one for Palm, but I find nothing for PPC.

I smell a Microsoft glitch...


Initially, I wondered what you were talking about - favourites in Outlook!? ( I use Mozilla-Firefox not IE)

The favourites do synchronise. In the favourites list in Outlook / Internet Explorer, I have a section called "Mobile Favourites". I didn't create this myself, it happened automatically when I first got the PDA.

The favourites under this section get synchronised to the PDA Explorerer.



Not Favorites

When you are in a contact in outlook, you can attach a task to it. Then, any time you open the activities tab under than contact you'll see a list of tasks, appointments - whatever - attached. Its nice to see it all in one place.

You can do this with Pocket Informant as well. However, the two wont sync. I would think this would not be all that hard to program.


I use PI also , the issue isn't whether or not it's hard to program [as you know, if you tried PI the author is very talented ]
The issue is what M$ allows in the pocket outlook objects , and unfortunately this is one of the things they don't make provision for .

To get around this , the programmer would have to use their own databases [ala Keysuite ] instead of the pocket outlook databases .

Most people want their ppc data to sync with the outlook data so , PI and AF etc are limited to what M$ will allow .