use GTD to avoid MBC
MBC = management by crisis. You might need to take some of this on faith, but you can turn many things into projects and in defining their desired outcomes including time frame if appropriate, you will be doing more of the thinking and acting before you are in crisis mode. But, yes, when your work comes at you, at a rate you might not predict or control, and each project is a little different and a little unpredictable, and very litle of it is routine, you may not be working from an n/a list a large part of the time and your ability to respond swiftly and concertedly until the project is done may be vital. Ideally you are creating a life-space that lets you respond in that way when you need to do so. However, you may find that some of the aspects that lead to crises can be worked as projects in a managable way rather than reacting and cleaning up. If you do a mind sweep you may come upon some of these and you might be able to think them through. Although I have only implemented GTD partially and inconsistently, I am finding that that somewhat fewer of my projects are arriving in the form of a crisis and that some that are coming as crises would not have if I have really looked at my project lists, analyzed my SDMBS and moved some of them to active. Also, I have found that some of my SDMBs were really statements of values and descriptions of responsibilities rather than do-able projects. The challenge is to take these ideals and make sure your projects support them.