Problems with Exchange/Iphone integration for Tasks with Categories


Hi All,

I finally got my outlook tasks set up just the way I like it, but unfortunately for the life of me I can't get my outlook tasks to sync to an app on my iphone that will allow me to organize tasks according to the categories set up in outlook.

Because of the way my work exchange server is set up I can't use TaskTask (I tried).

Please help!
Many Thanks


Outlook remains a difficult program to integrate fully with mobile devices. My best recommendation: now that you know how you like things to work, find something else that will do it.


Outlook's a pain when it comes to syncing tasks. If you can't use third-party tools like TaskTask, you could try syncing them with the iPhone's native Reminders. Instead of grouping by category, you'd group them by Reminder lists. Each list syncs to Outlook as a Tasks folder rather than a category.

Unless you are wedded to Outlook, I too would suggest trying something else. Wunderlist is one such alternative I happen to like; it is very easy to set up and use, and syncs easily to multiple devices. There are many other options out there, ranging from fairly basic (which is my preference) to very feature-rich.


Take a look at IQtell. It's a web based application that can import your mail and calendar data from Outlook/Exchange. It was created for GTD, is very similar in look to Outlook, but is customizable to remove unused "clutter" from the screen. The best thing about it is that IQtell has both an iOS and an Android app that syncs and works perfectly with desktop. In my experience, it the best product to move tasks / contexts from a PC to a mobile device.

Their videos, explaining both GTD and the product, are outstanding! There is also an extremely active user group for support and brainstorming. For me personally, it's the perfect tool.