Procrastination Motivation




I've been using GTD methods for about 2 years (full implementation and bits/pieces depending on my motivation). I've been on and off the layoff list at a large electronics company for the past 2.5 years. I feel I have been fortunate during this economic downturn to stay employed. However, I'm having motivation problems.

I have my list of next actions. But, I find myself just not in the mood to do any of them. Consequently, I push myself each day to get the hot list done, but other actions are not getting done until they reach hot status and have to be done. Not very GtD! I'm just tired of doing the same old stuff!

I started reading David's new book to help get back on track. I'm looking for suggestions to help get me unstuck at my present job, while I look for new employment (job opening in my field are opening up again - yeah!).



Keep in mind the value you add to any organization with your GTD skill set. It is as marketable as a master's degree in "Results".

Good Luck


In the mood..


What caught my eye in your post is the phrase "I find myself just not in a mood". Many of my days strongly resonated with the above phrase and I struggled to find a way to be "in the mood". Some time early on in my life, I must have told myself that I have got-to-be-in-the-mood to do any task. I have now accepted that it was a wrong assumption. I do not now wait for the mood, I just get on with the next action and I will let the mood catch up with me.

I was walking in the office corridor last week when I saw a quote on a poster "A goal is like the light from the lighthouse in a fog. Once you see it you can now concentrate your energies on reaching it."

Life is a fog. Find that light/goals first. One will then have the motivation to reach it, and one can focus completely on reaching it.



Re: In the mood..

I would say something similar to siva re goals. Review your projects from higher levels (areas of responsibility, short and long-term goals, purpose in life). There is probably some connection with getting through the daily grind of your unsatisfying job and your purpose in life. I've managed to do this for the mundane details of my job which, though a good job, is occasionally unsatisfying.



kioli made a great point...thinking of your GTD skill set as
a Master's degree in Results

Perhaps you would find some motivation by viewing your mundane NAs in light of "practicing your skills". If you keep your GTD "system" rolling along processing the same-old, same-old; think of it as keeping the system running and ready to take on the new challenges sure to come your way soon in a new position.

Best of luck to you.