Project Management and Mind Mapping software

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I've discovered my biggest flaw (other than execution in the moment) with implementing GTD methodology is clearly identifying projects, then thinking them through thoroughly and planning realistically. I do leadership development training and consulting, as well as coaching, and think that a good project management software will help me with preparing proposals, as well as tracking progress, actually doing the work on time and under budget, and communicating with clients. I love the idea of using Mind Mapping software as a starting point, because that is how my brain works. But, I then want to link that into Project Management software that can create the Gantt chart, track the tasks, etc. Ideally this could sync/link into Outlook as that is my primary action-list keeper (I'm actually using Outlook with the Franklin-Covey PlanPlus add-in, but have the task categories set up using David's GTD context catgories ... talk about merging all productivity worlds! :? ). I would also want it to import/export to the MS Office Suite for use in presentations, communications, etc.
:?: So, I need recommendations on software that can do all this. Is there one tool that does all this? Or, do I need to buy a couple and make them work together? For example, I was just researching Project Kick Start and Mind Manager. Thanks for any help!
Mindjet MindManager is what you're looking for

This is exactly how I handle projects.

I start with a mind map in MindManager. I generate all the ideas, tasks, etc. that I can and do my first logical grouping. Then I identify and attach resources, start and end dates, and other basic information to each node on the map (as appropriate).

MindManager has an export to MS Project function that then transfers the data into a more conventional PM environment where I can fine-tune resourse allocations, task dependencies, etc.

Now, here's the really cool part. I can synchronize the MS Project plan with the mind map so no matter which environment I make a change or addition to the plan in, it carries over to the other. Even cooler is the fact that MindManager can also generate a set of Outlook tasks and synchronize with my Task list in Outlook (which means my Palm is also up-to-date).

Feel free to e-mail me if you want or need more information about how this all works. You can download a 21-day evaluation of MindManager from the Mindjet website at
There are a lot of project management software that has the feature of gantt charts. Basecamp, Zoho Projects, Deskaway, Smartsheet and 5pm are just a few that offer that feature. They are actually the most popular software (base on Alexa Rankings) and are what most people use. They also track tasks which you can opt to prompt it in your email. Most of these software I mentioned can integrate google docs but I'm not sure if you can link it into your Outlook.

You can try check the comparison table in this blog:
You will see in the table the various features that the software has to offer. The blog also has 38 other software having a short review for you to know what the software is.