Project support material and referencing file systme

Hi All,
I am new to the forum and new to GTD. I am trying to implement it and now I am setting up my reference file system. It is going to be an alpha system.
As I file my docs into it I am asking myself few questions.
At the moment I have a project called "Schools for my baby" and of course some paper material comes with it such as

St Peter School brochoure
St James application for
different kind of letters and so on

and so on..

1) Should I file these doc in my "School for my baby" Project folder?
2) Should I file them in separate folder of my reference system?
ex: Does the St Peter application form goes in the "School for my baby" folder or in
"St Peter School" forder? (I am using an alpha system)

In addition, when the project is completed, what should I do? Should I just remove everything from the folder and file it alphabetically?


Project support folder. At the end of the project you need to sort through the file and trash or move stuff to reference.