You said it yourself, it's threefold. Project support is whatever additional info and material you may need for current active being worked on projects. The same bits of information or the same folder of papers might and probably will, move back and forth between project support, someday/maybe and reference as the project gets done.
Project support should be everything you need to work on an active project. So Project support is actually in direct use.
Here's an example from my recent lists:
I have a recurring project to plan the sheep matings for the year. Early actions were to decide which ewes to keep and breed vs butcher. This is nearly done I'm down to 61 ewes to breed and I need to cull out a further 4-5. I also had an action to determine which rams I can use for both the AI experiment and live cover. The AI list required some feedback from the gene bank as to the motility, quality and number of doses of semen in storage as we can't deplete the gene bank running the experiment. I have several files of reference material about this, Sheep Breeding EPDs (contains articles on calculating EPDs for various traits), NAGP Semen Inventory (details of all the stored semen, motility reports, number of doses and more technical data), Sheep Pedigrees (5 generation pedigree data on all the ewes and all the rams living or dead we might use). Those files were all in Reference until just recently when I pulled them all as Project Support Material. To that I added a new file Sheep Breeding Experiment 2010. In here I've been collecting some drawings of the ram teaser pen we need to build, a list of all the ewes we will breed and their lambing history and other notes as I make them. I am keeping all these files in the top drawer of my 2 drawer file cabinet where I keep Project Support Material as I am actively working on this now.
When I work on this project I will take all of my project support files out and sit down and do a floor sort of ewes with rams for best genetic results as that is my next action which is documented on my inside by myself context list. I will be creating a list of which ewe will be bred to which ram, whether via frozen semen, fresh cooled or live cover. That data will be sent to the researcher for review and a copy will go into the Sheep Breeding 2010 file.
I'll then move on to the physical actions, build the teaser pen, decide which ram will be the teaser and so on. At some point, soon I hope, I'll have all this prep work done and all those files will move back into my reference/someday maybe filing system as the project will be in wait status until the time is right to do the matings. So my Plan Sheep Matings project will be on hold and all the support and reference material will be back in my file cabinet.
I will be reviewing it as a someday/maybe item each week at review time. In December when the researcher is here we'll set up the semen lab, and start the actual experiment. When I make the project active again I'll pull out all the pedigree files, EPD files, Breeding Plans and so on and have them ready. From experience due to poor motility during collection, weather, which ewes are in heat and more variables I can't control I have to be able to make changes to the plans on the fly each night after that days' experiment results
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In fact just writing this made me realize that I need to pull the file with motility and collection data from last year on the rams I still have so I can make educated guesses about whether we will be successful collecting semen from them this year as that might affect my mating decisions for fresh cooled semen now.
So during the course of this project getting done I will be creating and using files that are reference when not in use, project support when in use and someday/maybe while on hold.
Does that help any?