Projects: Forms Planning

Hi all, I am revisiting my system as we approach the new year, and wanted to describe a problem and get input from this productive and professional group.

I need to do three things with my project planning:

1) Plan actions going forward. These ususally show up during official "planning" but also are added later when insight occurs.

2) Track the history of actions taken and make notes. This is record of activity surrounding a project, so with a quick scan I know where we are at.

3) Review both in one location, preferably in my binder, not in a file folder.

The last one is the kicker. I am trying to set up an effective project notes & actions tracking system that I can run out of my binder-based GTD system. My vision is to be able to do this on one sheet (adding other sheets of the same type as needed for length).

Has anyone developed or can you recommend, a form which works for this purpose? I have looked at a few but have yet to find anything suitable.

Thanks in advance,
What about doing it yourself? What kind of information needs to be put down? Make a table in Word print it out. For example: 3 columns: date, state of task (comleted, pending ect) and notes. Something like this. Also you may want to search Flikr for Moulescine based GTD systems. The folks out there show an amazing wealth of creative ideas of how to handle GTD oriented note taking via paper.
Maybe One Page Project Manager?

BigStory;62570 said:
Hi all, I am revisiting my system as we approach the new year, and wanted to describe a problem and get input from this productive and professional group.

I need to do three things with my project planning:

1) Plan actions going forward. These ususally show up during official "planning" but also are added later when insight occurs.

2) Track the history of actions taken and make notes. This is record of activity surrounding a project, so with a quick scan I know where we are at.

3) Review both in one location, preferably in my binder, not in a file folder.

The last one is the kicker. I am trying to set up an effective project notes & actions tracking system that I can run out of my binder-based GTD system. My vision is to be able to do this on one sheet (adding other sheets of the same type as needed for length).

Has anyone developed or can you recommend, a form which works for this purpose? I have looked at a few but have yet to find anything suitable.

Thanks in advance,

One tool I seen that may fit your need is the One Page Project Manager, a book and a spreadsheet. Look at

Good luck.