Please give me ideas of what do about projects that fall in between Active and SDMB. Maybe I just am not thinking clearly about Projects.
Active Projects= projects I intend to complete next actions on this week.
SMDB= Projects I might at some point be interested in defining or otherwise working on.
How do I designate and keep alive projects that are not either one of these two kinds? That is, projects I need or want to do, but not this week, unless by chance I run into a resource (idea, thing, person) that might apply.
Also, projects I want to work on as soon as I am able (they are not being actioned yet) but if I make committments in response to life's demands (as they come come along), then I won't leave room for these projects. In other words, if I don't see them in an really obvious way, I will forget about them and make committments as I go along and then before I know it a week has gone by and another week, and I am not taking actions on these. In the conventional "To Do List", that fact that these were on the list, even although no work as being done on them, served as a beacon warning me not to encumber the calendar with competing demands and reminding that that they had been waiting. And, I would then sketch into my calendar possible times and know not to make appointments or committments.
How do I make note of projects that I want to remember to work on within a certain time period, and that I need to allow time for within that time period, but not on a specific date or time?
Active Projects= projects I intend to complete next actions on this week.
SMDB= Projects I might at some point be interested in defining or otherwise working on.
How do I designate and keep alive projects that are not either one of these two kinds? That is, projects I need or want to do, but not this week, unless by chance I run into a resource (idea, thing, person) that might apply.
Also, projects I want to work on as soon as I am able (they are not being actioned yet) but if I make committments in response to life's demands (as they come come along), then I won't leave room for these projects. In other words, if I don't see them in an really obvious way, I will forget about them and make committments as I go along and then before I know it a week has gone by and another week, and I am not taking actions on these. In the conventional "To Do List", that fact that these were on the list, even although no work as being done on them, served as a beacon warning me not to encumber the calendar with competing demands and reminding that that they had been waiting. And, I would then sketch into my calendar possible times and know not to make appointments or committments.
How do I make note of projects that I want to remember to work on within a certain time period, and that I need to allow time for within that time period, but not on a specific date or time?