I thought this study and paper fit perfectly with the GTD idea of Psychic Ram, and what's great is that there were some objective tests carried about by Cognitive Scientists, and it was not just subjective opinions and anecdotes.
If this is close to accurate, then DA is very correct when he states that if we have a bunch of crud in our head, then the Ram just cannot cope, and could very well push us into chronic stress and panic modes.
But since our Ram is SO LIMITED...think about it.
If it can really only manage 4 things at once before it overloads, then a GTD type solution can work very well, by keeping the Ram clear, just like on a computer.
Personally, i am trying a new little trick along these lines.
When i start feeling scattered, and cannot focus as well as i would like, i have a box of small note papers handy, about the size of large Post-Its.
First, i get out ONE piece of paper, and take a deep breath, and RELAX.
Then, i DECIDE on ONE NA to do from my lists. ONE.
It doesn't have to be the perfect or ideal one. Just any one, really.
Then i write that ONE NA on the paper from my lists.
Then i hold this NA in my hand, and LOOK at it.
Then i notice what i am feeling/thinking...and do some CBT or REBT on it, if i am having some Anxious thoughts, or worry, and then I Dispute the irrational thoughts that are causing the trouble.
Then i simply DO THE NEXT ACTION written on the little piece of paper.
I STOP THE WORLD for the few minutes to get that ONE little thing done.
Then i recycle that little square of paper, and check it off my list.
Of course, i only use this when i feel STUCK, or a bit STRESSED, or feel i can't focus.
Otherwise its business as usual, and i just use the Context Lists.
But when i get STUCK, i am using this
DO ONE Next Action to just get moving, and to clear my Mind, to clear my Ram...to
REBOOT MY BRAIN and start fresh!
This would make sense with this study.
My brain is trying to do TOO MANY things at once, and it seems to go into "freeze" mode. It starts freezing up, like Windows, and maybe it even gives me the
Blue Screen Of Death, or just starts to freeze up in certain areas, and get sluggish.
So then i just take a deep breath, pick ONE NA, write it down, sometimes stand up for a minute with the paper in my hand, RELAX and breathe, think for a moment, do some cognitive Disputing, and then BOOM, just do it.
Throw out paper, check off Next Action.
Rinse and repeat.
Reboot your brain, clear your Psychic Ram.
It seems the cognitive mind can only literally handle a FEW things at once, like maybe 3 things.
So bring it down to
ONE THING, and get it
DONE, and start fresh.