Just realised that having a physical tickler system is cumbersome. You have to check it everyday (when you may not even need to) and that goes against the point of a tickler IMO of “forgetting about it until the day you need to be reminded of it”.
Using a calendar as your tickler system is superior. Set it up to have the exact things to show up the exact day/time you need it. You don’t need to check in on it at all. If the tickler is a physical item just set a tickler in your calendar telling you to get out the necessary papers out of you reference system.
You cut your workload and reduce your “in” boxes.
There may be exception to all this, but I think generally this is the way to go.
Using a calendar as your tickler system is superior. Set it up to have the exact things to show up the exact day/time you need it. You don’t need to check in on it at all. If the tickler is a physical item just set a tickler in your calendar telling you to get out the necessary papers out of you reference system.
You cut your workload and reduce your “in” boxes.
There may be exception to all this, but I think generally this is the way to go.