
Just realised that having a physical tickler system is cumbersome. You have to check it everyday (when you may not even need to) and that goes against the point of a tickler IMO of “forgetting about it until the day you need to be reminded of it”.

Using a calendar as your tickler system is superior. Set it up to have the exact things to show up the exact day/time you need it. You don’t need to check in on it at all. If the tickler is a physical item just set a tickler in your calendar telling you to get out the necessary papers out of you reference system.

You cut your workload and reduce your “in” boxes.

There may be exception to all this, but I think generally this is the way to go.
I agree with you and my system is very similar. A notation on my calendar is enough of a tickler, and points me to where any related physical material(s) might be. I have a decent and reliable filing system, so that works for me.

But I can understand that it's not one-size-fits all, and many people swear by the 43-folders type of tickler. So while the system you describe may be "superior" for you and me, that doesn't mean it's the right solution/approach for everyone.
Good point. Superior was the wrong word. it’s a better alternative for some people. And I personally find it way more efficient.
Hi GTDer's,

I love the idea of the tickler file, but I've never enough items to justify setting it up and I prefer to enter items onto the calendar instead.

I’ve created a single file folder called “Future File” (which is part of my A-Z reference folder setup) and any linked paperwork etc goes in this single folder.

I’ll then put a reminder into Outlook’s calendar as an All Day Event and with (FF) in the title to show me to check the Future File.

For me it’s tidier than 43 individual folders and with the reminder on the calendar there’s less chance I’ll miss something!

Also, if I need the future item ahead of item, I know it’s only in one file and I don’t need to search through 43 folders to find it ahead of time.

But I still think the concept of tickler files/43 folders is genius!


I think it depends on how tied to physical items you are. If you need reminded of just an event, sure. But let's say you have plane tickets. Where do those go between now and the day of the flight. You can file them away in a drawer some place, leave yourself a reminder to get tickets day of, or you can have them hit your inbox that day.

Different Strokes for Different Folks.

I use Omnifocus, and with the attachement abilities and Start Dates I don't really need too many actual physical reminders. My biggest one left is coupons. I get those 25% off coupons for Bed Bath & Beyond. Don't need anything now, but might want to use it next week. Think I'll tickle that coupon so it comes back next week.
I agree. I use a special Google Calendar as a Tickler, with email and/or SMS reminders depending on the item. (For example, if I have a meeting, I get an email the night before and an SMS alert 15 minutes before I need to leave.)

Nick, as for physical items that correspond to a tickler entry, like a plane ticket (aside: why are you getting paper plane tickets??), then you can have ONE folder (I prefer a manila envelope to a regular file folder, because I can throw it in my suitcase and have less risk of spill-out) that holds any papers. Then your electronic tickler reminds you to get the physical item out of your physical tickler.
AndyD;73990 said:
Hi GTDer's,

I’ve created a single file folder called “Future File” ...and any linked paperwork etc goes in this single folder.Andy.

Great idea.

For me it would work better on my desktop next to inbaskeet, project support, etc.