Question for Lifebalance users...

I have looked at the Lifebalance software online and read some of the posts here about it and it looks interesting. Does it have an integrated calendar and contact manager, or do you have to use other programs like iCal (I am a Mac user) and Address Book?
Life balance is a very Palm centric program. The palm program uses the palm calendar, todo and address databases as well as its own database to hold and processess the information. The destop version has a calendar built within but uses the palm conduit to link to other programs such as outlook.

It is a very solid program for implementing GTD using a palm. However if you are more desktop or a PocketPC oriented in your gadgetry, this may not be the program for you. I have been using this program since I had a newton and I like the fact it has worked with the lower end (cost) palm PDA very well.

Good luck.
Think of LifeBalance as a replacement for the "Tasks" application that comes with the Palm. It doesn't replace your calendar or contact manager.

If you're not a Palm user at all (you mention Mac but not Palm) then you could use LifeBalance as a Mac-only to-do list manager. You'll still need iCal and Address Book.

I use LifeBalance on a Mac at home, a PC at work, and a Palm everywhere. It syncs smoothly between all three platforms with no glitches so far. I switched to LifeBalance from the native Palm Tasks list for two reasons:

(1) The Tasks app is limited to 16 contexts, whereas I use about 26 contexts at present.

(2) LifeBalance supports hierarchical lists of tasks, sub-tasks, sub-sub-tasks, etc. (8 levels deep), whereas the Tasks app is "flat" -- no sub-tasks. This better supports the way I think about my projects -- I like to break tasks down into subtasks until I hit the right level of granularity for me.

On the downside: I do miss the simplicity of an all-in-one PIM -- Palm Desktop for Windows is great, on the Mac it's a horrible mess (why oh why couldn't they implement the app the same way on both platforms?). And I hate iCal on the Mac too, so at home I tend to stick with the native Palm calendar app.

There is a 30-day free trial download of LifeBalance, why not try it for yourself?
srharrell said:
I have looked at the Lifebalance software online and read some of the posts here about it and it looks interesting. Does it have an integrated calendar and contact manager, or do you have to use other programs like iCal (I am a Mac user) and Address Book?

I have not used the desktop version, but it now includes its own integrated calendar. The desktop Life Balance calendar will also sync to Palm Datebook on a Palm device.

I do not believe there is any integration with a contact manager, but you could email the Llamas and ask.

In addition to the advantages mentioned by mikeobrien58, contexts can also include other contexts, which is a beautiful thing.